Some might say, “A series on Bad Habits? I don’t think this is for me. I don’t take drugs. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke…”
These are bad habits that destroy the body. But what about the bad habits that poison the heart —which affect the body as well? Let me mention a few of them: The habit of being judgmental; The habit of gossip; The habit of sowing division; The habit of complaining; The habit of a bad temper; The habit of nurturing grudges; the habit of apathy towards the poor; the habit of spending beyond my means, causing me to go into debt; the habit of self-loathing…. You still think this series isn’t for you?
How do we overcome these habits? How do we create better ones?
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
Series Trailer
Design Pack
Discussion Guides
Talk Slides